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Title: Hit the Wall (Blythe College #2)
Author: Rochelle Paige
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: March 10, 2014

Jackson thought he knew what love was and feels like he missed his chance at happiness. He realizes he wasted his chances by chasing after one-night stands instead of going after what he really wanted. Kaylie knows what loss feels like and doesn't want to take a chance on love. She puts up walls to keep her heart protected from experiencing that kind of pain again. What happens when a guy who refuses to lose out again meets a girl who resists him as much as she can? Will Jackson be able to hit the wall Kaylie has put up and knock it down?  
I loved bartending at the campus bar, The Rooster’s Nest. Of course, nobody called it by the real name. Instead, everyone usually just called it The Roost. Or if they were feeling particularly pervy, they called it The Cock. The bar was known for its cold beers, its hot cheese fries, and college bands. It’s a bit of a dive, but not in a sleazy way. Although the tight t-shirts we wore with crazy phrases like “I Serve Tail at The Cock” and a picture of a martini glass on it sure did seem push things toward the sleazy slide.
I got the job as soon as I’d turned twenty-one. I needed the money, and it paid well for a part-time job with hours that didn’t interfere with school or dance. It also didn’t hurt that I usually got to work shifts with my roomie Charlotte since she was the one who’d gotten me the interview. She was the boss’s favorite at The Roost, so I’d been a shoe-in for the job. And I got paid well to flirt all night, so that was a plus too.
Speaking of hot guys, Jackson Silver walked into the bar about an hour before last call. I’d thought about him several times over the last month and a half. Word on campus was that he’d been keeping to himself a lot more. When he came back from Christmas break, there hadn’t been any more rumors about random hook-ups. This was the first time I’d seen him since witnessing his argument with Sasha, which was strange considering how small the campus was.
He sat down at the other side of the bar, so Charlotte took his order and served him a beer and a shot. Then she headed straight over to me as soon as she had taken care of Jackson.

“Did ya see who’s at the bar? Hottie McHot-Pants himself,” she said, nodding her head in his direction.

Hit The Wall is the second book in the Blythe College series, I have read and enjoyed both. This book is about Jackson who we meet in the first book. Jackson thought he loved Lex and feels he has missed his chance at happiness. He then meets Kaylie, she has had sadness in her life and doesn't want to take a chance on love. Jackson is determined to win the girl this time, can he break down the wall Kaylie has built? Jackson and Kaylie are so lovely together, I actually preferred this book to the first one. Jackson did like to sleep around however it's so nice when bad boys meet their forever girl. Kaylie is a strong woman who knows what she wants and is working hard to achieve it. Well written, romantic, light read. I can't wait for the next book.

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Push the Envelope (Blythe College #1)
I absolutely adore reading - always have and always will. My friends growing up used to tease me when I would trail after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. If I have downtime, odds are you will find me reading or writing. I am the mother of two wonderful sons who have inspired me to chase my dream of being an author. I want them to learn from me that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it. When I told my mom that my new year's resolution was to self-publish a book in 2013, she pretty much told me "About time!"

 Top 5 Things you Didn’t Know about Hit The Wall

1. Jackson's name originally was Josh... until I saw the names Drake & Josh together and said no way! (anyone get the TV show reference???)
2. Hit the Wall was supposed to be the third book in the Blythe College series, but Jackson just wouldn't wait for his turn!
3. Yes, Aubrey & Jackson have two older brothers... who I almost missed mentioning completely until my mom caught it in her beta read.
4. Hit the Wall was uploaded to Kindle from the Atlanta airport while I was on my way home from fangirling at Wicked Book Weekend.
5. Shhh, don't tell anyone but Sasha was originally going to be a reformed heroine in this book. She wasn't cooperating & then Kaylie stormed next door and that was that for Jackson.


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