Book Info-
Series- Take It Off  #1
By Cambria Hebert
Publication Date- August 13th, 2013

***This is a new adult contemporary novel and contains sexual content and graphic language. It is not intended for young adult readers.***

If you can’t take the heat… stay away from the flame.

Katie Parks has been on her own since the age of fifteen. All she’s ever wanted is a place to call her own—a life that is wholly hers that no one can take away. She thought she finally had it, but with the strike of a single match, everything she worked so hard for is reduced to a pile of smoking ash. And she almost is too.

Now she’s being stalked by someone who’s decided it’s her time to die. The only thing standing in the path of her blazing death is sexy firefighter Holt Arkain.

Katie’s body might be safe with Holt… but her heart is another story.

As the danger heats up, sparks fly and the only thing Katie knows for sure is that her whole life is about to go up in flames.

Character Bios/Dream Cast  for TORCH

Here is a little information about the main character’s of TORCH! Katie and Holt! A little FYI Katie’s name was originally Meghan. BUT as I was writing Holt refused to call her that. Everything I wrote that he said, he called her Katie. Sooo, I gave him his way and changed her name. LOL! 

If ‘Torch’ was made into a movie and you could cast anyone you wanted, who would you

Well I would love to see TORCH on the big screen! I could picture it now: action, fire, and hot
man. LOL! Who wouldn’t want to watch that?!

So if Torch was made into a movie who would I choose to play Holt and Katie? Well this was a
hard decision because there are so many hotties out there, ha ha. But I managed to narrow it
down. My job is SO hard *sighs dramatically*!

Here are my picks for the cast:

Katie Parks:

Emma Stone. She has the red hair and the freckles and she’s on the small side which is just
like Katie!

Katie is a young librarian who loves to get lost in a book. She has lived on her own for many years and wants a place to call her own. She’s never really dated and doesn’t have any close friends. She the poster child for being a loner.

Katie has freckles, reddish hair and is very short and thin. Holt thinks she’s tiny. She thinks Holt is huge. Katie also likes to steal bacon off Holt’s plate and she has to sit on phone books when driving certain cars so she can see out of the window.

Holt Arkain:

Tyler Hoechlin (he plays Derek on Teen Wolf I
love that show!!) He has the right build, the dark
hair, the jaw and the scruffy face. :)

So those are my two “dream casts” for Holt and Katie. Have you read TORCH? What do you
think? Who would your dream cast be?

Holt was raised in Wilmington, NC by two loving parents. His Dad works in construction. When he was around sixteen years of age he volunteered for the fire department and spent a lot of time at the fire house. When he graduated high school he went into training and then was hired by the Wilmington Fire Department as a fire man.

Holt is a twenty four year old hottie. He has broad shoulders, short, dark hair and drives a candy apple red truck. He maintains that women are not allowed to drive his truck. Holt is a terrible cook and says the only thing he can cook good is cereal.

Oh, and he has big feet. 



This book is on fire!

Katie's life is turned upside down when she wakes up one night tied to a chair while her life is lit aflame. She thought she was going to die until she hallucinated a man walking through fire, or she thought it a hallucination.

Enters Holt.
Gotta love a man in uniform and
Holt is that and so much more. He felt the connection when he rescued
Katie. Now he wishes to explore it.
All while she is staying at him house, doctor's orders.

Can Katie stick around when she is a target?
Can Holt continue to really continue to protect her, or will he lose it all trying.

Book Info-
Title- Tease
Series- Take it Off # 2
By- Cambria Hebert
Publication Date- September 16th, 2013

You can look, but you can't touch...

Harlow is a broke college student. When her tuition assistance is taken away, she is faced with a choice: admit to her mother she couldn't hack it on her own or make a lot of money fast.

So she gets a good-paying job.

As a stripper.

She thought it would be easy, but it turn out being sexy is a lot harder than she thought. When a few mishaps work in her favor, she manages to hang on to her job and catch the eye of the Mad Hatter's best-looking bartender, Cam.

She's also caught the eye of someone who wants to do more than look, someone who's decided she's nothing but a tease.

As the clothes come off, Harlow finds herself caught between list and murder, The only thing she knows for sure is that her new risqué job is a lot more than she bargained for.

***This is a new adult contemporary novel and contains sexual content and graphic language. It is not intended for young adult readers.***

Dream Cast for TEASE!

Well I would love to see TEASE on the big screen! I could picture it now: dancing, surfing, motorcycle riding!! Oh yeah!!!

So if Tease was made into a movie who would I choose to play Harlow and Cam? Well this was a hard decision because there are so many hotties out there, ha ha. But I managed to narrow it down. My job is SO hard *sighs dramatically*!

Here are my picks for the cast:


Lucy Hale  (she’s on Pretty Little Liars) makes a good Harlow I think with her long, dark hair and curves!

I gotta go with Paul Walker. There is something about him that I just love. I swear I watch the Fast and the Furious movies just for him. LOL.

<----------Look he even has a surfboard here!

So those are my cast picks for TEASE. What do you think? Do you agree with my choices or do you have your own ideas??  

About the Author-

Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting

Follow her on Twitter:

Cambria’s website:

GIVEAWAY #1 Oct 12th- Oct 28th

US Only. Giveaway for a Tatke It Off Book Haul. One signed PB of TORCH, One Ecopy of Tease and One Ecopy of TEMPT.

Giveaway #2 October 1- October 28th

$10 amazon gift card


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